Saturday, November 13, 2010

lights go on again

as you can see in this (super cool) picture of b2st, my topic today will be about their recently new album,
Lights Go On Again
b2st actually released 3 new mini albums in 2010!
they have altogether 4 albums now,
1) b2st is the best
2) shock of the new era
3) mastermind
4) lights go on again
homagee, AWESOME.
they are now like my favourite group of all
ohh, Cube Entertainment..i LOVE you! <333
to be able to release 3 mini albums in a year is wow
the best thing about b2st is that they dont even have to be cute by acting, they ARE cute just by the way they are.
(unlike Suju :P)
now, between the rate of favourism of SHINee and B2ST..hmmm, B2ST 51% - SHINee 49%
so yea, im like a freak of B2ST
im a big fan of SHINee too, MinHo<3
i had no idea why i felt hot when i look at them, espeacially my hubby,
Yong Jun Hyung
i love his glare, i love his smirk, i love his aura, i love his rap, i love his face, most of all..I LOVE HIS OH-SO COOL HAIR!!
i could just like burn myself now!

below is the album cover of the 4th mini album,
Lights Go On Again

i want this so freaking badly!
infact, i want ALL the 4 albums!
i decided to upload all 5 of their songs from the album because its just too great to ignore them
please have a listen to them if you haven't hear them or you're a k-pop fan ;)

B2ST - Lights Go On Again

B2ST - Beautiful

B2ST - I'm Sorry

B2ST - Lightless

B2ST - I Like You The Best

being a fan of course woudln't miss out the teasers!
those teasers are like killing us every single time when they were release
so here the 2 teasers from the album that has been release

B2ST - Lights Go On Again (teaser)

B2ST - Beautiful (teaser)

i LOVE the beautiful teaser the best!
i even screen capture-ed it ;)
big fan big fan, well..what can you say, they're handsome and cute..deal with it ya ;p
looky look!
'LOL' at Ki Gwang and Dong Woon's face!
i heart these two shoots that i taken, HEHE

but of course my hubby Jun Hyung must have a shoot himself
well yea, he is my hubby, TEE HEE
i edited it of course ;)
thank you Photoscape~
i love this and him so much that i was even planning to change my facebook profile picture into this one. who cares!? HEHE

well, thats all for today
have a nice and great day dudes and dudettes!

"Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone. Too often we're too stubborn to say, 'Sorry, I was wrong.' Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts, and we let the most foolish things tear us apart."

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