Tuesday, November 30, 2010

us, everywhere

so the Holidays are with us now..and like i said, it's pretty much boring
i went to school to take my report, the hospital and then to Miri
and yes im tired after all that
my report was..okay i guess
i didnt get any failures or sorts but it didnt reach my expectations though
well, at least i get to promote to year10science next year :)
moving on..
why did i went to the hospital?
to get my eye checked
i have a refraction problem in my right eye but thank god, my doctor said it was nothing big..so no need to worry about :)
but heck, i have to wait for god damn 2 hours for my freakin' turn
the hospital was like jam packed!
then to Miri..
it wasn't much fun like last time..i didn't shop much clothes..
i eat alot tho :b
the only things i've bought are 2 'Little Black Dress' collection storybooks,
namely (or titled) "the Love Boat" & "Hollywood Affairs"
im not quite a bookworm myself but hey, i gotta have at least something to do for this boring holiday

ok, my point of this post today is about the day i hang out with my CCMS buds on..last thursday
we all went to Fratini's first to have our lunch
(*fratini is my current favourite restaurant, HEHE)
i ordered Fetuccini Carbonara as it was my favourite Italian dish ;)
well waht can you say, im a big fan for Italian foods

my buds orders a 16pieces gigantic meat lovers pizza!
i ate half a slice because i'm full..the other half is in Yvonne's stomach ;)
its meat and its cheesy, not to mention..fresh out of the oven (not to miss out expensive)
who wouldn't want a bite of it? (that's GuangYi's hand btw)

all poses after having a lunch :)

then we went killing time over at the arcade
the same old place, same old boring stuffs..but, one of the ways to release stress?
smile :)

off we go to Ogdc
walking under the hot sun
oh mr.Sunny Sun, i know you're hot but please don't show much of yourself otherwise we would get a terrible nosebleed by your damn hotness ;) HAHA

in the exhibition!
we didn't actually went in there to have 'fun'
we went in there for the air-conditioner and of course, to wait until it's not that sunny so we can walk to the beach

why is it still sunny?
oh wells, the things teenagers wanna do ;)
we walked to the Billion Barrel for like 20minutes i guess
thats Zhi Chu trying to be a gentleman to the ladies, HAHA

through all those tiring walks, hurting legs, thristy throats, uncomfortable sweats and fun laughters of our journey
we get to relaxed ourselves by the beach side :)
i really love going to the beach..it has always been a wonderful place where i can get over stressful things blowing up my mind by watching the blue skies and gushing waves

the sun is setting
and its time for us to go home
i must say..You Nan did a beautiful shot of this picture

our purpose of this hang out is actually a 'gift' we wanted to do to a special friend of ours
we had our way of doing it that no one knows
but who knows..something kinda went wrong that day but i am not mentioning it here :)
well thats all, i had a great time with you all
(and thank you sayangg for coming to spend some time with me :) LOVE you ♥)

as always,
to end this post..the song that i will upload today i surprisingly ain't k-pop :P
i really love this song to the boots
Taylor Swift - Speak Now <3

"the one whom you cry for does not deserve your tears & the one who deserves you will never let you cry."

Friday, November 26, 2010


friday. but aint freaky
went to hang out with my buds yesterday at Fratini's, Arcade, Ogdc &Beach
but i'll post about it the next time when i'm free
when i'm NOT LAZY. HEHE
here's just a so-called "sneak preview" of yesterday event

just a fail picture of me sitting on the rocks of the beach, lol.
edited of course, not to mentioned..cropped.
credits to You Nan :)

i so can't wait for tomorrow, i guess?
what's going on tomorrow?
my school's Parents Day and also the opening ceremony of our new builiding
wheee, i'll get to study there for like 2 more years!
trust me, its awesomeee in there
huge, lol.
but what reaaaaally ruins it is that my "bro" is coming, hurray! not. :b
well, he IS an ex SMSS, so yea whatever..haha
i got nothing left to say
to end this post,
T-ara - Why are you being like this

"perfection is not beautiful, human is beautiful."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

feelin' so fly

anneyonnggg haseyooo
sunday, 21.11.2010
i came across allkpop website today as usual, of course
Home Of Kpop Lovers <3
and guess what i found?
everybody knows the brand new song that everyone's been loving
"Like A G6"
if you still don't know that song..mahn, you're so outdated
that song is so damn popular that MTV has been putting all over and over again
every song has its parody i guess
and today,
at allkpop site, i found it! more importantly,
its parodying Yong Jun Hyung! MY HUBBY! HEHE <3

its pretty cool that even Jun Hyung himself get to see it
below is the description from allkpop:
"A video parodying B2ST’s Yong Jun Hyung titled ‘Like Yong Jun Hyung’ using the beat of Far⋆East Movement’s platinum hit single ‘Like a G6′ was recently uploaded on the internet. The video was so funny that miss A’s Min tweeted the link to Yong Jun Hyung himself"
& JunHyung himself said "its awesome to the boots" check it out below!

i loveee the lyrics "Yoseob all around him and been acting like he's drunk." HAHA
people said its a fail video but hey, its cool to the core
thats all for now..have a nice day people!

"life is worthwhile if you love and to be love."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

at Trish's!

holidays have not so been that awesome.
a word "boredom" describes it all
yesterday, i went to BSRC to see my baby and buds play football
thank you guys for ditching me by going home first and left me all alone in the dark with a couple of 'smoke-freakos' disturbing me. (sarcasm)
freakin' scary much?
oh wells, i'm used to being alone anyway
i'll post about the football match when i got some few pictures of it from my friends as i was lazy to take pictures, HEHE.

i am going to post about what awesome and fun thing i did on monday, 15.11.2010!
i, of course, went to Trish's house!
a get together for her birthday!
once again, Happy Belated Birthday, Trish. Love ya! xx

i went to pick up Eme along as she had no transport
and Joanne, JiaYi and Kevin were already there that time
we were all planning to surprise her with a cake
but too bad, its not so surprise afterall..because Trish over-heard Jiayi asking "do u have lighters?"
plus, Iman was pretty late to bring up that cake
but who cares?!
we had fun at least! HEHE
then we had fun swimming at Trish's pool
so im just gonne shut up and let the pictures talk now as they always said "a picture worth a thousand words"
(credits to Iman &Jiayi for the photos and Trish, i want your fat cat!)

*the last picture is taken by Faza, my smexayy freakyy taken twin laydeh AKA Amir Yazid's girl
Oh! Happy 1st Monthsary to you two :)
me in that picture, my babes were like "you could try imagine Abby wearing a tudung, wow."
no way guys, i look chubby..HAHA
well, thats all for today
can't wait for the upcoming Cleaning Campaign this monday (i think.)

"soTrueFact: Bruno Mars should set up a class for guys on how to treat their girlfriend right."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

colour splash

wednesday is today and its a celebration for the muslims called,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha, right?
is the spelling correct? im just trying, HAHA.
so i wish all my muslims friends and sayangg, of course, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA.
today's a public holiday, my cousins went to Miri without me (Fyou, jokes. =P) and i'm dead bored at home.
all i'm doing now is sitting on my couch (my back hurts, ouch.), with my laptop infront of me and trying to do stuffs with Photoscape.
(Oh, and i'm chatting with Azib right now too in msn and he keep saying 'lol', see..
Zeebeh my bebeh says:
` lol
its not that funny baby.)
damn, i can't wait to see my buds and babes at school tomorrow
i miss them.

i'm bored and messing with Photoscape
(i'm also eating a hotdog now then my Dad walked pass and asked me 'why aren't you eating rice?' Sorry Daddy, i'm not hungry..HEHE)
guess what? i found an interest (yay!)
which is as you can see in the title above this very post, Colour Splash
its a type of an edit that only expose the colour of a certain object leaving the background saturated. meaning, black and white.
i then came across mr.Google to find pictures of it..since i'm still not sure whether Phtoscape contains that kind of edit
that is why im 'discovering' it now, DUH.
anddddd..i found these! check it out below

for your information, i did edit them but as in 'deepen the colour' them-ish. wth, okay!
hmmmmm, photoscape! puhleaseee have colour splash :(
i love colour splash
thats probably one of the reasons why i changed my blog skin..HEHE
well..thats all for today
i basically had not much idea today so yea, have a nice day dudes/dudettes!

"life is not meaningless unless we allow it to be."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

lights go on again

as you can see in this (super cool) picture of b2st, my topic today will be about their recently new album,
Lights Go On Again
b2st actually released 3 new mini albums in 2010!
they have altogether 4 albums now,
1) b2st is the best
2) shock of the new era
3) mastermind
4) lights go on again
homagee, AWESOME.
they are now like my favourite group of all
ohh, Cube Entertainment..i LOVE you! <333
to be able to release 3 mini albums in a year is wow
the best thing about b2st is that they dont even have to be cute by acting, they ARE cute just by the way they are.
(unlike Suju :P)
now, between the rate of favourism of SHINee and B2ST..hmmm, B2ST 51% - SHINee 49%
so yea, im like a freak of B2ST
im a big fan of SHINee too, MinHo<3
i had no idea why i felt hot when i look at them, espeacially my hubby,
Yong Jun Hyung
i love his glare, i love his smirk, i love his aura, i love his rap, i love his face, most of all..I LOVE HIS OH-SO COOL HAIR!!
i could just like burn myself now!

below is the album cover of the 4th mini album,
Lights Go On Again

i want this so freaking badly!
infact, i want ALL the 4 albums!
i decided to upload all 5 of their songs from the album because its just too great to ignore them
please have a listen to them if you haven't hear them or you're a k-pop fan ;)

B2ST - Lights Go On Again

B2ST - Beautiful

B2ST - I'm Sorry

B2ST - Lightless

B2ST - I Like You The Best

being a fan of course woudln't miss out the teasers!
those teasers are like killing us every single time when they were release
so here the 2 teasers from the album that has been release

B2ST - Lights Go On Again (teaser)

B2ST - Beautiful (teaser)

i LOVE the beautiful teaser the best!
i even screen capture-ed it ;)
big fan big fan, well..what can you say, they're handsome and cute..deal with it ya ;p
looky look!
'LOL' at Ki Gwang and Dong Woon's face!
i heart these two shoots that i taken, HEHE

but of course my hubby Jun Hyung must have a shoot himself
well yea, he is my hubby, TEE HEE
i edited it of course ;)
thank you Photoscape~
i love this and him so much that i was even planning to change my facebook profile picture into this one. who cares!? HEHE

well, thats all for today
have a nice and great day dudes and dudettes!

"Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone. Too often we're too stubborn to say, 'Sorry, I was wrong.' Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts, and we let the most foolish things tear us apart."